Hospitality Investigations | Mystery Shopping | Integrity Testing | Hotel Audits


Mystery Shopping

The level and quality of service you deliver to your customers is vital to your company's success. Your customers' total experience with your company and your staff dictate whether your company will succeed or fail... whether you will be profitable or not. Simply having expectations about what sort of experience your customers will have is not enough... you have to measure, you have to inspect. Objective, anonymous, third party assessments of the customer experience will provide the information you need to ensure that your expectations for customer experience are carried out in reality.

Hospitality Compliance Investigations

Now is the perfect time to make sure that your staff is following the Liquor Control and Licensing Rules and prevent a $7,500 fine. A valuable tool for making sure your staff is following the rules as well as providing good customer service; for as low as $75 a month, you can have Compliance Checks done at your establishment – before the Liquor Board’s Minors as Agents Program finds out for you. Learn more

Hotel Audits  

We will observe your staff in every department of the hotel from Reservation to Check Out and provide you with a full analysis report with tables, graphs, quotations, management summaries and recommendations. Learn more

Retail Mystery Shops

In the retail industry it is vital that customers are given the total customer experience. Having a third party do this will provide the information you need to ensure that your expectations for customer experience are carried out in reality. This can identify areas which need improvement and can identify areas which training is working particularly well.  Learn more

Fitness Facility Audits

In the fitness industry it is vital that potential members are asked the right questions and given a tour of the facility correctly. Having an unbiased third party do this will provide the information you need to ensure that your expectations for customer experience are carried out in reality. Learn More

Integrity Testing 

At Sting, our staff is trained in performing security audits, integrity tests and personnel checks. This could be as simple as posing as a mystery shopper, or as complex as an undercover agent infiltrating and monitoring overall management security issues. Learn more

Workplace Investigations   

Some of our specialized services include: Bar Evaluations, Integrity Testing, Liquor Inventory Spot Checks, Internal Investigations, Security and Safety Risk Assessments. Sting utilizes sophisticated investigative techniques that combine state-of-the-art equipment with proven hands-on methods. Learn more

Sting's Mystery Shopping Programs are valuable because...
  • Most customers who have unsatisfactory experiences will not complain...they will just never come back
  • Dissatisfied customers are likely to tell many others (usually 10 people) about their experience, who in turn probably will avoid doing business with the offending merchant
  • The use of mystery shopping to provide independent and impartial feedback reduces any perception of favouritism in incentive programs
  • Mystery shopping helps determine whether customers' actual experiences are as intended.
  • Shopping programs can identify areas of training which need improvement and can identify areas of training that are working particularly well
  • We customize reports to meet our client needs
Benefits of a Reality Check Sting Mystery Shopper Program:

Feedback - Specifically designed to coach employees for improved performance to meet your standards

Timeliness - Prompt feed-back guaranteed

Reliability - Guaranteed accuracy in evaluations. Every evaluation is checked for quality control

Company Consistency - Every employee and location in your company will be evaluated using the same standards

Incentives and Competition - Consistent analysis provides a basis for a standardized bonus system or discretionary incentives

Identification - Provides information to reward areas that exceed quality standards and identify where improvement may be needed

ROI - Positive Return on Investment. We have proven results whereby increasing customer satisfaction, increasing revenues, identifying employee theft/loss, and decreasing losses within the first three months

Sting's Mystery Shopping Programs evaluate the following;
  • Smile & Greeting Customers (within 30 seconds)
  • Offering Help or Assistance
  • Suggestive Selling and/or Up-selling (daily specials, etc.)
  • Asking for Identification (liquor and/or cigarette purchases)
  • Problem Resolution
  • Timeliness
  • Thanking Customers
  • Cash Handling, Register & Customer Counts
  • Product Quality (food & beverage)
  • Availability of Promotions & Marketing Material (overall presentation)
  • Facility Conditions (restrooms, bar, etc.)
  • Employee Appearance (name tags, uniform, cleanliness)
  • FYI - For Your Information


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